The Kingdom of the Two Sicily and the European Powers, 1830-1861. The book is interesting and explains the fall of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies from a geopolitical point of view and from the international politics of the time. The author Eugenio Di Rienzo himself states that the end of the independent southern state was by no means a natural death but a real conspiracy hatched in the chancelleries of London, Paris, and Turin. Unfortunately, Ferdinand II’s policy of absolute independence, albeit appreciable, had politically isolated the kingdom. The isolation had the consequence of leading to a premature and untimely end to the damage, alas, of the innocent populations of southern Italy, who still pay the consequences today, being considered and treated as second-class citizens, from an unjust and obtuse state.
Colony Italy: Newspapers, radio, and TV: this is how the British control us. Italy, a colony of the British Empire. Here is the evidence of the merciless war waged throughout the twentieth century by her Majesty’s diplomacy to control Italian public opinion according to British economic and political interests. A secret war because it is fought with unconventional means between friendly nations and, for a long phase of their history, even allies. Invisible but no less tough than the others. And in which the press, radio, television, publishing, and entertainment industries have played a predominant role. The book demonstrates this using unpublished documents from the UK government, diplomacy and intelligence, and confidential, secret, and top-secret reports recently declassified and available to journalists and scholars.
Like the annually updated file of Italian “customers” (at least one thousand in the seventies) useful for the English cause. But, beyond the names involved, what is important is to re-read recent Italian history from the side of the English, whose role has always been considered secondary to the Americans. A big mistake. If the latter acted exclusively in an anti-communist function, the British also fought “against” those Italians who could not stand the role of being a British “protectorate”.

I would like to make you aware of the real history of the nation called Italia. Mainly the history of the last 200 years as it affected negatively the regions of Southern Italy. Among others, this gave rise to mass emigration to countries like the United States and to an economic gap between North and South that still persists today. This is a shameful situation that is not only bad for the South but for the nation as a whole, which has defacto cut-off half of the country because of greed and stupidity if not racism and apartheid.
You might ask why talking about all this? Well. because it is always good to know the truth, especially when your roots are in that part of Italy that suffered the most and still does. Also because the axiom: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness applies here, an idea Benjamin Franklin got from his friend and Neapolitan jurist Gaetano Filangieri. If you know Italian, you can read the recently published book linked below.
The book La Storia Dell’Italia Unita is the synthesis of a very large literature on the history of Italy after the forced unification carried out by the northern kingdom of Piedmont backed by England. The author Enrico Fagnano tells the facts as they actually happened and not as fairy tales written in the history books we all studied in school. All the damages caused by the new regime to the southern economy, that was sacrificed for the growth and development of the northern part of the country, are explained in detail. You can also view the interview of the author here: OFFICINA MEDITERRANEA – DODICESIMA PUNTATA.